fnord Travels in Hyperreality: November 2006

08 November 2006

Population Explosion

The ruling-class has created a myth called "over population." The myth states that the population of the world is growing too fst. It is used to propigate thoughts like this: "A democratic, capitalist state [does not have] the discipline necessary to survive in a world of scarcity." The purpose of these messages is to prepare the average citizen to accept total government control of himself and his environment. This authoritarian control has been mentioned by Zbigniew Brzezinski, Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor from 1977 to 1981:

"I think we accept the idea of a vast expansion in social regulation. It may take such forms as legislation of the number of children, perhaps even legislation etermining the sex of children once we have choice, the regulation of the weather, the regulation of leisure, and so forth."

A Washington psychologist and sex-therapist suggested "that the world's nations remove 'the right to reproduce' from their people as the only solution to the global population explosion...by such means as placing temporary sterilizing chemicals in food and water supplies...whether or not it was with the individual's consent."

Some nations have already taken these extreme measures. For example, India has taken steps to control its population growth by the forced sterilization of its citizens. In the Indian state of Maharashta, where Bombay is located, all men up to age 55 and women to age 45 must be sterilized within six months of the birth of their third child. During one period of "special emergency," the Indian government performed 10 million forced sterilizations.

In a government report entitled Communist Persecution of the Church in Red China and North Korea, dated March 29, 1959, it is reported that "all the elderly people 60 years of age and above who cannot work are put in the old people's 'Happy Home.' After they are place in the home, they are given shots. They are tolde these shots are for their health. But after these shots are taken, they die within two weeks.

06 November 2006

Two Dead Poodles

I was sitting in a crowded room, full of mostly post-menopausal women. We were listening to a woman named Dr. Adonna Otwell preach to us. She started to play a song that went like this: "The presence of the Lord is here, You can feel it in the atmosphere...". A white haired old man wrapped in a sheet, like a toga, came out and started walking around slowly. He put his hands on some of the women's foreheads and walked around, real sober and solemnly. Some of the ladies fell out and had spasms on the floor. Some just crowded around him. I thought it was rather blasphemous. It made me sick to my stomach. Brother Nelson, who can be seen below, ran to him and hugged him, weeping and wailing, would not let him go. Dr. Otwell told us that she was glad she had been raised Pentecostal, she was not under the bondage of false religion.

General Characteristics of Neoplatonism

1. There is a plurality of levels of being, arranged in hierarchical descending order, the last and lowest comprising the physical universe, which exists in time and space and is perceptible to the senses. (See pluralism.)

2. Each level of being is derived from its superior, a derivation that is not a process in time or space.

3. Each derived being is established in its own reality by turning back toward its superior in a movement of contemplative desire, which is implicit in the original creative impulse of outgoing that it receives from its superior; thus the Neoplatonic universe is characterized by a double movement of outgoing and return.

4. Each level of being is an image or expression on a lower level of the one above it. The relation of archetype and image runs through all Neoplatonic schemes.

5. Degrees of being are also degrees of unity; as one goes down the scale of being there is greater multiplicity, more separateness, and increasing limitation--until the atomic individualization of the spatiotemporal world is reached.

6. The highest level of being, and through it all of what in any sense exists, derives from the ultimate principle, which is absolutely free from determinations and limitations and utterly transcends any conceivable reality, so that it may be said to be "beyond being." Because it has no limitations, it has no division, attributes, or qualifications; it cannot really be named, or even properly described as being, but may be called "the One" to designate its complete simplicity. It may also be called "the Good" as the source of all perfections and the ultimate goal of return, for the impulse of outgoing and return that constitutes the hierarchy of derived reality comes from and leads back to the Good.

7. Since this supreme principle is absolutely simple and undetermined (or devoid of specific traits), man's knowledge of it must be radically different from any other kind of knowledge. It is not an object (a separate, determined, limited thing) and no predicates can be applied to it; hence it can be known only if it raises the mind to an immediate union with itself, which cannot be imagined or described.

"Platonism" Encyclopædia Britannica Online.

[Accessed October 2 2000].

03 November 2006

Gyrating Hips

Here's Nelson. He sure can dance:


This is me and my boy Casey, chasing some cows in a golf cart:


The February, 1962 Scientific American magazine carried an advertisement on page 91, placed there by the Sperry Gyroscope Company. This ad showed a drawing of a space station and individuals working on it in space suits.

The same drawing, with the addition of certain descriptive phrases attached to identify certain parts of the space station, appeared in the October 13, 1969 New York Times, on page 32, over seven years later.

But the NY Times used the drawing to illustrate: "One concept of a future Soviet space station in which the crewmen in a mother ship transfer through a transit chute to help assemble another ship is depicted here."

Radio Entelechy

"There is, so far as we know, nothing more advanced than what is sitting behind your eyes. The human neocortex is the most densely ramified and complexified structure in the know universe. We are the cutting edge of organismic transformation of matter in the cosmos....We can kindle in hte deserts and, if necessary, upon the cities of our enemies the very energy which lights the stars at night." - Terrence McKenna

College Students with Too Much Free Time

Time out of Mind

"Billy Pilgrim says that the universe does not look like a lot of bright lights to the creatures from Tralfamadore. The creatures can see where each star has been and where it is going, so that the heavens are full of rarified, luminous spaghetti. And Tralfamadorians don't see human beings as two-legged creatures, either. They see them as great millipedes--"with babies' legs at one end and old people's legs at the other." says Billy Pilgrim." -Slaughter-house Five Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., Chapetr 5, Paragraph 1.

Animal Farm

"The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism, but under the name of Liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program until one day America will be a Socialist nation without knonwing how it happened." -Norman Thomas

Life in Exile

In it's edition of June 11, 1979, on page A-2, the Los Angeles Herald Examiner carried a story which questioned the authenticity of the Ayatollah Kohmeini. The article quoted a column by William Hickey in the London Express which included photographs of the Ayatollah Khomeini, which were taken when he was in France, showing that he had only nine fingers. The middle digit of his right hand was missing. REcent photographs show that the present "Ayatollah Khomeini" has ten fingers.

In addittion, Iranian premier Amir Hoveida testified: "I know him and I can assure you he had only nine fingers. This Khomeini is an imposter." Shortly after making that statement, Hoveida was shouted down in the court he was testifying in and pulled out of the building and shot.

-The Review of the News (December 12, 1979) p. 65

Policy Architecture

"I think we accept the idea of a vast expansion in social regulation. It may take such forms as legislation for the number of children, perhhaps even legislation determinig the sex of children once we have choice, the regulation of the weather, the regulation of leisure, and so forth." - Zbigniew Brzezinski

Genesis of Buttholes

Once we had a guest speaker. His name was Frank. He told us that after God created Adam and Eve, and before the fall of man, everything was perfect. He said that when Adam and Eve ate food it was all digested. That means there would be no waste left over in their guts. This was the logic he used when he told us they had no buttholes. He called buttholes "bum-bums."

Jesse James

"Jessie James, a 33rd degree Mason...assumed the aliases of some seventy-three individuals. He claimed that one of the aliases he used in later years was that of William A. Clark, the copper king and later US senator from Nevada." Jesse claimed that he would find a cowboy somewhere of similar appearance to his own, shoot him in the face and leave some of his personal belongings on the body. He would send a family member to identify the body; this way he lived to be over 100 years old. Ralph Epperson's book