fnord Travels in Hyperreality: Two Dead Poodles

06 November 2006

Two Dead Poodles

I was sitting in a crowded room, full of mostly post-menopausal women. We were listening to a woman named Dr. Adonna Otwell preach to us. She started to play a song that went like this: "The presence of the Lord is here, You can feel it in the atmosphere...". A white haired old man wrapped in a sheet, like a toga, came out and started walking around slowly. He put his hands on some of the women's foreheads and walked around, real sober and solemnly. Some of the ladies fell out and had spasms on the floor. Some just crowded around him. I thought it was rather blasphemous. It made me sick to my stomach. Brother Nelson, who can be seen below, ran to him and hugged him, weeping and wailing, would not let him go. Dr. Otwell told us that she was glad she had been raised Pentecostal, she was not under the bondage of false religion.

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